BIO Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo

BIO Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo by l3utterfishBorn in Madrid and raised in Malaga, where he attended a British school, becoming bilingual at a very early age. Graduated with Honors from the University of Sunderland (UK) in Film and Media Studies.

After graduating he moved back to Spain where he shot several shorts, until he made his film debut as a film director and screenwriter with Cafe Solo o Con Ellas (Love Expresso) obtaining several awards and becoming the forth highest grossing Spanish movie of 2007.

 by l3utterfish

BIO Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo by l3utterfishIMDB Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo 
BIO Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo by l3utterfishÁlvaro Díaz Lorenzo: «En España hay mucho cine intelectual que no interesa al público»